I saw a video from Davie504 where he did put guitar strings on his bass and it sounded pretty cool and i want to try the same thing the only issue that im finding is that i dont know what gauge to use because im not really familiar with strings so i figured to ask.
Davies Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwuNm8VNIRw
Hey Riley, i think you should try with the highest gauge you can find, since basses are obviously made to hold thick strings. For guitar .010 is thick but if you can find thicker, the better. Also beware that the lenght and way of holding the string may change. If anyone has anything to add go on.
try 013 gauge hm
When using guitar strings on a bass you should also be very careful while tuning, as the tension on the bass is much higher then on a guitar, and the strings being much thinner and shorter doesn't help. If you want a similar sound with less strings hitting you in the face, you should look in to piccolo bass strings.